




CyFlow IgG2b FITC

品番 CC906498
抗体名 Mouse IGG2B FITC,MPC-11
包装単位 0.1 mg
濃度 1 mg/ml
容量 0.1 ml
反応性|交差吸着 レーザー Blue
抗原 IgG2b Isotype Control 最大蛍光波長 518 nm
クローン MPC-11 最大励起波長 490 to 495 nm
ホスト Mouse 標識/Format FITC
アイソタイプ IgG2b 研究分野 Isotype controls
クローナリティ monoclonal 用途

Flow cytometry (Isotype control)



This mouse IgG2b κ monoclonal antibody (clone MPC-11) reacts with an epitope irrelevant for a variety of resting, activated, live, and fixed human, mouse, and rat tissues.


The specificity of staining by monoclonal antibodies to target antigens should be verified by establishing the amount of non-specific antibody binding. Especially at higher concentration (more than 15 μ/ml) the antibody staining usually has consignable background. To this end a non-reactive immunoglobulin of the same isotype is included as a negative control for each specific monoclonal antibody used in a particular immunoassay. The monoclonal antibody MPC-11 was generated against an epitope irrelevant for human, mouse, and rat material, and can thus be used for evaluation of the background staining that is caused by general nonspecific interactions between an mouse IgG2b molecule and the respective sample under the particular conditions. This shall help the customer to set up the experimental conditions so that the nonspecific binding of any antibody is abolished.


The reagent is designed as an isotype control for Flow Cytometry analysis. To establish the amount of non-specific antibody binding, match the concentration of the correct isotype to the recommended working concentration of the antigen-specific antibody. If the background signal of the isotype control is too high (usually when working antibody concentrations are above 10 µg/ml of incubation mixture), change the experimental conditions to reduce the background.


Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Store in the dark at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.


Do not use after expiration date stamped on vial label.


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Available Safety Data Sheets

CyFlow™ monoclonal antibodies SDS CA EN

Available Technical Data Sheets

CyFlow™ IgG2b FITC (MPC-11) CC906498 TDS (US)